Where to go in Cairo?

Ankhtours, the baron palace

Where to go in Cairo?
Where to go in Cairo? Is a very major question especially for the ones who are visiting only Cairo.

The places you can visit in Cairo:

1_if you are really interested in visiting museums, there is a few ones in Cairo such as the Egyptian museum in Tahrir Square where a bit of the Golden treasure of king Tat (Tutankhamon) is, and quite a few other things.

The civilization museum is a recently reopened museum where alot of mummies are, and a bit of some other stuff dates back to different historical periods.

The Coptic museum in Coptic Cairo or old Cairo, which houses most of the Christian (Coptic) stuff.

The Islamic are museum; one of the biggest museums in Egypt, it has the largest selection of Islamic art items. The building itself is a piece of art.

Besides the other minor museums, like the geological museum,  agricultural museum, military museum in the citadel of Saladin,,etc..

Where to go in Cairo?

2_if you prefer visiting the pyramids, for your information we found almost a 117 pyramid all over Egypt. The most famous ones are the pyramids of Giza, Step pyramid of Saqqara, and the Bent pyramid of Dahshour.
Other pyramids are in Fayoum and Maidoum.
There is still a few others but not open for visits.

3_ if you prefer visiting the cities and get mixed up with the culture of the country, you better go to places like the markets, a few of the Islamic sites of Cairo, Copic Cairo churches, or even Khan el Khalili market.

4_ if you want to see the city architecture, you can visit downtown of Cairo or even Roxy of Heliopolis.

So decide which part of the culture of Cairo you are interested in the most and decide accordingly.


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  1. whoiscall

    Thank you!

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