Where to stay in Egypt ?

Where to stay in Egypt ?

one of the very common ways all over the globe now is air bnb booking. You basically hire an apartment any where in Cairo or Giza.

what to keep in mind while looking for a flat:

1- The price: if you ou are looking for an expensive luxurious one you would better go for 5 star hotel, so you basically looking for a cheaper option.

2-The location: the most vibrant areas of Cairo is downtown, zamalek, and Maadi. In Giza the closer to the. Pyramid the better.

when picking the location keep in mind you are looking for an ambience or a view, if a view pick the pyramids or the Nile, if a place to chill out, Where restaurants, cafes or historic sights are, then Zamalek or Maadi.

3- Accessibility: food store, super market, grocery store, taxi can get to the place easily.

4- Safety: the neighborhood is close to the city or far, is it close to the places you want to see??

is it too far so no taxi would like to go!!

then you can accordingly decide easily.

where to stay in Egypt ?

If you book a hotel keep in mind:

1-if any road construction going on around, so accessibility would be difficult.

2-if it is too far from the city it would cost you more in transportation.

3-What you looking for, a chain with good service or a cheap price with an ambiance.

4- the location is very important, the further the more will cost you.

5-plan your schedule and pick the location accordingly, if you want to have one night before heading to the airport, pick something close to heliopolis where Cairo airport is?

Giza side for Giza pyramids, Saqqara etc..

downtown of Cairo if you are looking for museums, Islamic sites or even ancient churches.

this way you would save money and time to reach the places you want to visit.

where to stay in Egypt.


in Siwa you rent a house for long term too, or you can look for en echo lodge room as it is widely used in this part of Egypt, so you would find a very nice atmosphere like eco-friendly style, rooms built out of salt stone, very authentic food too.or even a so-called chalet along any of the springs.


if you are looking for something very special you better go for any villa or apartment on the west Bank of the Nile, where it is very calm, very decent view of the Nile and another of things to see.

western desert

where everyone goes for a safari, a lot of hot and cold water springs, you can sleep an overnight in the open air or a small tent to enjoy the milky way on the sky, and different star constellations.

Red sea

you better look for something along the sea, either an apartment or a hotel, because otherwise why you are going to t,he red sea.😁😁


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