Unique tours in Egypt

Is very inspiring, Egypt has got various interests, nature and types of landscape too. Plenty of unique tours which take you to different unique destination in Egypt.

The variety of the nature of desert can take your mind away from the crowd to a different unique colors of desert, the so-called white desert: which indicates the remnant of a great ancient ocean which appears now only in limestone formations, the look white as per the color of the submarine stone.

There is the black desert as well, which resulted from the eruption of Volcanoes in Egypt. Have Egypt had ever volcanoes? The answer is yes. And that exists here in the black desert.

Have you never ever imagine how colorful sea life could be?? Then come to the Red Sea to fulfill your fertile imagination. It is very colorful and lively looking corals and sea life. The best place for diving, snorkeling or even just swimming.  Different destinations starting from the southern borders up to Sinai.

One of the very fascinating other aspects is the important religious background of Egypt related to all religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Holy flight into Egypt; when Jesus Christ the baby came along with St. Mary and St. Joseph from Jerusalem, The Exodus of Moses through the desert of Sinai, even the spread of Islam in the Middle East.

Egypt is the gift of the Nile as Herodotus the ancient historian mentioned, it’s the main vein of the ancient life and civilization, the vital force of the Egyptian soul.

Nile cruise tour is one of the Unique tours in Egypt, which takes you in a time machine to smell the history Oder along the banks of the Nile through the temples of Luxur and Aswan, to be able to roam around and touch the history of the Pharaohs and their temples, it can also take you behind the high dam of Aswan to sail really close to the crocodiles of the Nile.

Ankhtours, nile cruise, an airen view of Luxor
, 5 Days 2-15 People
Nile Cruise Luxor & Aswan Nile cruise Luxor & Aswan in Egypt, down the river Nile from Luxor to Aswan or either way on a...
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Holy land Egypt tour
  Holy land Egypt  There are several holy land tours and one of the most famous of them is this one of Egypt. It traces...
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Ankhtours, Dahabiya Nile cruise, Luxor temple
, 8 Days
Dahabiya Nile cruise is a great luxuries experience along the Nile of Egypt
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ankhtours, Holy family trip
Holy family trip Holy family trip in Egypt follows the footsteps of Jesus Christ in Egypt when he was a baby, the Virgin Mary, all...
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