Giza Tours

Derived from the verb to pass, the city name means passage as it was used to cross the Nile.

It has got the most ancient unified capital of Memphis, the most ancient pyramid of Saqqara, the most ancient book of the dead in the pyramid of Unas, the most famous pyramids of the old kingdom period.

It is one of the three cities that the greater Cairo consists of, Giza Cairo and Qualeobia.

It has several sights but all of them date back to the old kingdom period, as the Middle kingdom period capital moved to Fayoum.

You can have two or three day tour covering everything there. The other tours you can do from Giza is Fayoum oasis tour as it is really close to this city, and White desert safari camping which is only four hour drive from Giza.


Eco tours

What is ecotourism?

Eco Tours means Tourism to areas of ecological interest includes green travel, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife, nature travel, responsible travel, ethical travel, mindful travel, conscious travel, and many others.
Ecotourism should adopt more environmentally friendly practices, protect the natural and cultural heritage of a destination, and support local communities.

First of all, it focuses on experiencing and learning more about nature, its landscape, flora, and their habitats, as well as cultural artifacts from the locality. A complicated relationship between the environment and tourist activities is possible when this philosophy can be translated into appropriate approach, useful planning and tactful practicum. Carefully planned and operated ecotourism places & sites, especially if it is a small place or a village-based and includes local interaction too, is able to provide direct advantages that might offset pressure from other less sustainable behaviors and activities that make the maximum use of cultural and natural resources.

Is Egypt tourism industry shifting towards eco-tourism?

Egypt is been always known for its history, ancient civilization and its sites such as pyramids, and temples. Moving toward the ecotourism is a great chance or a sustainable and flourishing tourism. There are a lot of sites considered as a part of the international heritage as per the UNESCO, besides the Valley of the whales known as wadi El Hitan, in Fayoum oasis, 

Eco-Tours offer in Egypt here the desert safari tours to a different oasis like Siwa oasis which is a part of the western desert.

There is also a boat tour around the Nile: very Eco-friendly boat not a big cruise with fancy swimming pools.

Ankhtours, sharm el sheikh
, , 8 Days 2-25 People
Sharm El Sheikh Excursions is to enjoy the beauty of the red sea, desert safari and colored canyons, a full day to Giza plateau & the Egyptian museum, you may visit the monastery of St.Catherine and Mosses peak
Available through out the year:
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One Day Excursion

One Day excursion

We enable you to enjoy your stay in Egypt to the maximum even if you are here for one day or you have only one free day we offer you a various choice to pick from.

You can enjoy a full day to Giza pyramids, Saqqara, full day to Alexandria from Cairo, or to Fayoum oasis too.

One Day excursion is available not only in Cairo, but also in Giza, Alexandria or Fayoum. We can arrange a tour to Islamic Cairo, and Coptic Cairo too, we arrange Desert Safari, Giza Pyramids, Saqqara step Pyramid, Dahshur Pyramids, Egyptian museum, civilization museum.. etc

Ankhtours, Giza pyramids, Saqqara and Dahshour
, 1 Day
Giza pyramids, Saqqara and Dahshour full day tour in Egypt.
Available through out the year:
  • Jan
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Ankhtours, Giza Pyramids, the great pyramids of Giza
, 1 Day
a full day to Egypt Giza pyramids and the sphinx, Saqqara step pyramid and Memphis
Available through out the year:
  • Jan
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  • Dec
Ankhtours, Giza Pyramids, the great pyramids of Giza
, 1 Day
Giza pyramids & Egyptian museum full day tour; Cheops, Chephren, mykrinus and the sphinx, and the Egyptian museum
Available through out the year:
  • Jan
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Religious tours

Religious Tours

Different places in the world enjoying the religious tours belong to different religions, the most famous of them is Haj in Mecca, the holy Land in Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

The holy land varies from a place to another, some contains the three countries and some others have only one. The holy land in Egypt follows the traces of the Holy family in Egypt, different places in different cities of Egypt from Upper Egypt to the Delta too.

Some of them last for only one day to some of the churches in Cairo or it can last for a longer day tour to some of the monasteries like the Natron Valley, Red Sea or an overnight to Assuit or Menya too.

Holy land Egypt tour
  Holy land Egypt  There are several holy land tours and one of the most famous of them is this one of Egypt. It traces...
Available through out the year:
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unique tours

Unique tours in Egypt

Is very inspiring, Egypt has got various interests, nature and types of landscape too. Plenty of unique tours which take you to different unique destination in Egypt.

The variety of the nature of desert can take your mind away from the crowd to a different unique colors of desert, the so-called white desert: which indicates the remnant of a great ancient ocean which appears now only in limestone formations, the look white as per the color of the submarine stone.

There is the black desert as well, which resulted from the eruption of Volcanoes in Egypt. Have Egypt had ever volcanoes? The answer is yes. And that exists here in the black desert.

Have you never ever imagine how colorful sea life could be?? Then come to the Red Sea to fulfill your fertile imagination. It is very colorful and lively looking corals and sea life. The best place for diving, snorkeling or even just swimming.  Different destinations starting from the southern borders up to Sinai.

One of the very fascinating other aspects is the important religious background of Egypt related to all religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Holy flight into Egypt; when Jesus Christ the baby came along with St. Mary and St. Joseph from Jerusalem, The Exodus of Moses through the desert of Sinai, even the spread of Islam in the Middle East.

Egypt is the gift of the Nile as Herodotus the ancient historian mentioned, it’s the main vein of the ancient life and civilization, the vital force of the Egyptian soul.

Nile cruise tour is one of the Unique tours in Egypt, which takes you in a time machine to smell the history Oder along the banks of the Nile through the temples of Luxur and Aswan, to be able to roam around and touch the history of the Pharaohs and their temples, it can also take you behind the high dam of Aswan to sail really close to the crocodiles of the Nile.

Holy land Egypt tour
  Holy land Egypt  There are several holy land tours and one of the most famous of them is this one of Egypt. It traces...
Available through out the year:
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